What’s harder than starting CrossFit?
RE-starting CrossFit. You know what you’re getting yourself into now, and it can seem daunting. But with the right guidance, mentality, and support system, it doesn’t have to be.
YOU can always start the process of becoming BETTER, one small step at a time. Even if you’ve fallen off the wagon for a few weeks…
Or three years.
If you’re ready to get back to Cypher Health & Fitness for 2017, we’re ready to coach you to SUCCESS!
No, you won’t jump right back into the fire. but you will take up your past gains faster than when you started. With our new Fundamentals program, you’ll be back on top of YOUR fitness game soon.
For clients with previous Cypher experience only, please:
In 2016 alone, we’ve added over $15,000 in renovations and equipment, software and upgrades, an incredible Coaching Staff, Cypher Nutrition Programs, more Cypher Squat and Strength Programs, an Olympic Weightlifting Program, Remote Coaching, a get your 1st Pull-up and 1st Muscle-up Program, Custom Programming, Body Composition Testing, Goal Setting Sessions, Personal Training Programs, Fundamentals Program, New You and Bridge Programs, and a lot of great new people into our community.
We can’t wait to see you! You’ll be greeted with high fives, smiles from familiar faces and, new ones too.
Happy New Year!
-Mauricio, Leslie, and The Cypher Health & Fitness Team
(510) 253-2468 1200 Harbour Way South, Suite 105 Richmond, CA 94804 www.crossfitcypher.com |