I want you to know, that I see you.
I see you rushing into the gym. You might be late to class, but you made it. I’m proud of you.
I see you trying to drink more water every day, even though you may forget your water bottle at the gym. I’m proud of you.
I see you choking down that yucky protein shake right after your workout, because you know it will help you recover and show up to the gym again tomorrow. I’m proud of you.
And I see you showing up to that running workout, even though you HATE running (I do too). I’m proud of you.
I see you after a long day at work, stressed to the core. You get your tennis shoes on, and you’re focused on the workout, even though your mind wants to go in a million different directions. I’m proud of you.
I see you trading out that soda for a glass of water. I’m proud of you.
I see you doing your best, even after that extended vacation. You can do this. I believe in you, and I’m proud of you.
I see you high-fiving someone you just met 10 minutes ago, giving them a warm welcome to the Cypher Family. I’m beaming with pride.
And I see you, laying on the floor, dripping in sweat after what feels like the toughest WOD you’ve ever done. You peel yourself off the ground, write your score down, and come back again tomorrow. I’m proud of you.
I also see you walking into the gym for the very first time, wide-eyed, knowing no one. Nervous, but ready to bravely step out of your comfort zone. I see you, and I’m so proud.
Forget being perfect. Forget doing ALL the things. You ARE making progress, and you ARE enough. Be proud of your actions – and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.
Cypher Health & Fitness