Five Tips to Stay on Track While on Vacation

The days are shorter and the weather is colder. This makes wintertime the most popular time for most people to visit family and sequester themselves indoors. It is also a time where it can be easy to get off track with your healthy eating habits.

However, you know you have worked so hard to get to the point where you are now, so how can you ensure that you won’t fall back into your old habits?

Here are five tips to help YOU stay on track while on the road:

1. Set realistic goals. While traveling, set a goal to maintain your progress. It can be a tough time to start new habits or make drastic changes, so focus on maintenance.  

2. Keep a similar routine. You are in a routine of eating every few hours. Plan your meals and bring snacks with you. You are also in the routine of staying active. You might head down to the hotel gym or complete a hotel room workout. You might even visit a local gym for a class. There are many online resources with body weight workouts that you can do anywhere!

3. Plan your day and know your options. Does your hotel have a continental breakfast? What would you like to have that will allow you to stay on track so you aren’t tempted by the cinnamon rolls and muffins? Do you have balanced snacks with you? What restaurants are available? Check out their menus and look for an option that will allow you to follow the plate method (1/2 plate veggies, 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch). Also, don’t be afraid to ask for adjustments to the meals, such as no sauce or grilled proteins. Finally, log your food BEFORE you eat it to ensure you are on track.

4. Beware of alcohol. Alcohol contains empty calories and will cause inflammation. Beware of high sugar and calorie mixers such as soda and juice. Stick to wine and water based mixers, as well as clear alcohol. Alternate alcohol with water to help you stay hydrated.

5. Enjoy a treat and move on. Moderation is key. While on vacation, you might want to try something not  in your typical routine. Instead of depriving yourself which might lead to binging later, enjoy a few bites. We recommend having one treat and then moving on. Don’t forget to log your treat!

Stay ahead of your progress by not getting off track over the summer. In three months, you will thank yourself for focusing on your goals!

What will you do this holiday season to stay on track while traveling?


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