4 Ways to Keep Summer Simple

The summer can sometimes be a roll of the nutrition dice. 


You may have a summer full of travel, outdoor parties, and schedule inconsistencies. These types of summer are memorable but can make it hard to stay on track with nutrition. Or, you may have a summer with a lighter workload, no school commitments, and a lot of extra time to commit to fitness and nutrition.


Regardless of the type of summer you have, there is no reason to stray from your plan for an extended period of time. After all, you do not want to reverse all of the amazing progress you have made so far.


There are 4 ways to enjoy your summer and events, while still maintaining your progress and building healthy habits.


  1. Continue to track in MyFitnessPal:  People who track are more likely to stay on track. Don’t avoid entering meals if you “went over.” That is ok! Have your treat and move on, but be aware of where you are.


  1. Eat vegetables first: For every meal, continue to fill up on vegetables first. By doing this, you consume fewer calories in the long run.


  1. Plan ahead for travel meals: If you are traveling, think about meals ahead of time. Pack non-perishable snacks such as RX Bars, turkey jerky, and whey protein. Make sure you always have a quick snack for when you are hungry.


  1. Monitor your alcohol intake: Keep an eye on the amount of sugar in your drinks. Avoid sugary, premixed drinks and stick to clear liquors or wine. This will help cut your sugar and calorie intake. 


If your summer means a shift in your routine, use it to your advantage. How can you use this opportunity to build good habits?

To Your Continued Success,

Coach Don




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