Recovery Day
“Filthy Fifty”
For time/30 min:
50 Box Jumps @ 24/20″
50 Jumping Pull-ups w/ bar height @ max reach
50 KBS @ 53/35#
50 Walking Lunge Steps
50 Knees-to-Elbows
50 Push Presses @ 45/35#
50 Back Extensions or Good Mornings @ 45/35#
50 Wall Balls @ 20/14#
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Coach’s Corner
- May perform the movements in any order except Wall Balls, Burpees, and Double Unders must be done in sequence after all the other movements are completed.
- No partitioning (going back and forth between movements a few reps at a time).
- May be scaled to “Dirty Thirty”