Announcing January’s SugarWOD Challenge!
The new year tends to be a time of looking back while looking forward. We think about how far we’ve come in the last 365 days, and where we’d like to go during the next year. With health and fitness, it is awesome to have records to look back on to see JUST how far you’ve come! At Cypher, we have an awesome tool called ‘SugarWOD’ to help us track our progress. To make sure we start 2018 off on the right foot, we are launching a tracking challenge!
One point will be awarded to you each time you enter a score in your SugarWOD app. Some days have three parts – which means if you complete all three, you’d get three points for that day!
Each week will have a BONUS challenge activity. For the first week (January 1 – January 7th), the person who gives out the most “fistbumps” will be awarded 25 additional points!
If you need some help with SugarWOD, ask any Cypher coach and we would be glad to walk you through it. Sweet prizes await the winners!
Happy tracking!