July Schedule

© CrossFit, Inc

Summer is officially here and there are a few trips and things going on this month schedule-wise everyone should be aware of.

  1. 4th of July: For the Independence Day Holiday, Wednesday July 4th, we will be having a 7AM Class Only. There will be no evening classes that day. It will be another fun Team WOD so if you can make it come on out for a good time!
  2. 2012 CrossFit Games Trip: Myself, Leslie M, Zelina, and a couple other folks will be heading down to SoCal for the grand finale of CrossFit competitions this year. This means that there will be no class Friday July 13th or Saturday July 14th. As an alternative, we will be having morning classes on Thursday July 12th at 6AM & 7AM. There will be no PM classes that day as we have to get our caravan rolling before then! I apologize in advance as I know this takes away a workout or two for some of you that week, so I recommend hitting a Travel WOD. I will also do my best to give everyone plenty of opportunities to kick their own butts earlier in the week ;). If you’re interested in checking out the action, The Games will be broadcast live on ESPN2 and streaming on the web throughout the weekend (check local listings and The CrossFit Games on facebook for the up-to-date schedule)!
  3. Rafting Trip: This one qualifies as a “personal vacation day” :). There will be no class Saturday July 28th. Instead we will have CrossFit class Sunday July 29th at 9 AM, and Barbell Club at 11AM.

I know this is a lot of stuff to remember so there will be reminders as each date approaches. Thanks and I hope you are enjoying your summer!



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