Every Minute Counts

We are about twenty-three weeks away from the start of the 2018 CrossFit Open. That’s it. Twenty-three weeks…

I want you to think back to the 2017 CrossFit Open. There were heavy dumbbells, lunges, muscle-ups, and of course, burpees. It was challenging – no doubt about that. Think about a ‘victory’ you had. Personally, I was stoked that I was still able to do a bar muscle up. I was also proud of every workout I completed. It is widely known that I’m not a cardio bunny ???? So for me, just participating is always a win. What was your win?

Now I want you to think about something you may have fallen short on. Did the weights feel really heavy? Were you trying something for the first time? Was there a skill that you wish you had? For me, my lungs are the first to fail me. And from a skill perspective, those dreaded double-unders are still hit-or-miss, even though I’ve “had them” for years. What stopped you in your tracks?

Ask yourself, what can you commit to? Can you get to the gym three times a week? Four? Five? More? Let’s use 4x a week, and do some simple math. If you can commit to getting to Cypher 4x each week, from now until the first WOD is announced, that’s 92 workouts left before the 2018 Open.

How will you use them?

And I know, smack dab in the middle of those 23 weeks are the holidays. You’ll probably be travelling, and for sure you’ll be busy. Yes, yes you will be busy. Then January will come with a new year and a fresh start, and you will be wishing that you had kept all those good habits you built on in 2017. Sign-ups for the Open will have started, and you’ll feel like you’re cramming for a test. Let’s change that narrative.

More math…

92 workouts, at 60 minutes each. That’s 5,520 minutes on the clock. Imagine, what if you used ALL of those minutes toward your goals? Whether you’re becoming more mobile so you can get all the way down in a lunge, or if you’re doing those burpees in the workout a half-second faster just to see if you can, or even if you are reaching for that extra wall-ball rep before taking a break – you are taking one more step closer to what you WISH you would have done at last year’s Open. You have the chance to take thousands of steps closer to your goals…

So Cypher folks, I want you to think back and look forward. When the 2018 Open comes around, and everyone is here celebrating this community of fitness, what will you have wished you would have done?

Clock’s ticking ???? See you at the gym.

Leslie Macedo
Cypher Health & Fitness Owner


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