Maybe you’re already a member at Cypher and have a friend or family member who you know would love the environment at the gym. Perhaps you know of a colleague who always asks you about your workout the previous day. Or maybe there is someone close to you, who you know needs to make some healthy lifestyle changes but may not know where to begin. Or you might be someone who has been interested in starting, but you just haven’t been able to begin…yet.
At Cypher, we’ve adjusted our On-Boarding process to make it simple and personal. Here’s how folks can start (or re-start!) with us:
Book A No-Sweat Intro
Sometimes taking the first step is the hardest part. A No-Sweat Intro is a one-on-one appointment with a member of the Cypher Team. Here, you can have all your questions answered about what is available at Cypher. You can book an appointment at
Tell Us What You Want – Be Honest
At your Intro, we are there to listen! Tell us what you’re looking for. You may be recovering from an injury, your doctor may have recently told you to lose weight, or you may be wanting to reclaim your strength. Whatever your goals are, be open and honest with us. Our expert coaches will work with you to map out a plan.
Anytime you set goals, we like to see objective data as a starting point. We use our state of the art InBody and provide you with a non-invasive comprehensive body composition scan. All you have to do is take your shoes off! We can use this information to accurately measure your progress as you move through your fitness journey.
Choose the Option that Works for You
Your coach will work with you to devise a plan that is best for you based on your goals, how often you can come to the gym, and your budget. Fitness is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ package. We will recommend the most direct path for you to reach your goals, and get you signed up for your next step.
Just Keep Showing Up
You now have a team behind you, invested in your success. Every day you are in the gym, Cypher coaches (and other members!) are there to support you each step of the way. All you have to do is keep showing up. We will guide you toward your success.
It takes a bit of courage to step out of our comfort zones. Change is always a bit scary. But I want to ask you this question – if you take this first step today, where will you be a year from now? What if you don’t?
Let us help you get to where you want to be – don’t postpone success for one more day.
See you at the gym –