A lot of you have already heard it through the grapevine, but let’s just make it official: we’re moving to a bigger space down the hall!
Thanks to our continued steady growth, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to keep making your CF Cypher experience bigger and better. The new space is Suite 105 (second unit from the bathrooms on the other side of the hall), providing about 3,250 sq. ft of floor space, about 3x our current digs! I know, I know, we will also be cutting your right-before-WOD-starts-bathroom-trip-time in half :)! We will go over the plans and details at class in the days leading up, but here is a summary of what is going to happen:
- Friday March 15th, Mid Morning – We get the keys/access to our new space in Suite 105.
- Friday March 15th, Late Morning to Early Afternoon (will firm this up soon) – We will receive delivery of a whole bunch of mats to the new space. This is an important change to what I’ve originally been planning, because I called the mat supplier and it turns out they can deliver (saving us a multi-truck trip) but only during the week. So, if you’re available, it would be helpful to have a few extra strong hands there to help unload these puppies (they’re an awkward 70+ pounds each). The plan is not to lay them out perfectly this day, just get them in the door.
- Sunday March 17th, ~9AM-3PM – Moving Party! This is where we could really use everyone’s help/hands who can make it. A lot of you will be “actively recovering” from the Rookie Rumble this day, so we’ll try to keep the heavy lifting to a minimum. In the week leading up to this I will be disassembling most of the fixtures in the gym (pull-up rig, bars, rings, ropes, etc.) to make it a fairly straightforward move. If we have lots of hands it should be a just couple hours of work. Handy people with trucks and extra hand carts: please bring them. You can actually carry the floor mats on hand carts individually, which is pretty savvy and energy-saving I’ve found. We will plan to have potluck items and maybe the BBQ going if we can get some volunteers for that. If time permits and if a few of you extra handy individuals can stick around, we will try to re-assemble the pull-up rig. The goal is to have functional capacity to run classes in the new space come Monday, which mostly just means having the mats laid out decently and organizing some of the equipment. Again, doesn’t have to be perfect, we’ll just see what we can get done in a reasonable amount of time.
- Important Note: the old space (Suite 116) does not have to be completely cleared out and clean until April 1st, so the priority will be organizing our new home. Those of you that wish to join me for the week-long cleaning After Party are more than welcome :).
That’s all for now. We’ll talk about it plenty at class and make any necessary additional plans and updates as needed. Thanks for you help and support, and looking forward to another year of growth!