We are so excited to announce that Cypher Health & Fitness will be moving to a new home – right around the corner! We will be moving to a brand new, 5700 square foot facility – by the water! We are within walking distance from the new commuter Ferry as well. Here is the timeline:
January 19, 9am – LAST Class at 1200 Harbour Way S
We are encouraging all current Cypher members to come and enjoy one last Saturday class at our current spot, and celebrate all the awesome memories that have been created within these four walls.
January 19 & 20, All Day – Moving and Under Construction
As soon as class ends, we will begin to move everything from the current space over to the new location! This will be a tough AMRAP workout for sure! Many hands make light work, so if you’d like to come and help we would welcome that with open arms! The more the merrier for sure!
January 21, 9am – FIRST Class at 1401 Marina Way S
We will have a holiday schedule on Monday the 21st, and will be hosting our first class for members at 9am, with Open Gym to follow from 10am-noon. Classes and appointments will operate as scheduled at the new location from this point on.
February 2, 9am – Grand Re-Opening and Community Day
This is a community-wide free event! This is a beginner friendly workout with celebration to follow – all are welcome. Be sure to RSVP in the facebook event here.
This is such an exciting time at Cypher! If you are not currently a member and interested in getting started (or getting back at it!) book your No Sweat Intro, ASAP! We are also starting an awesome group fitness program and Nutrition Challenge for those who are just getting started called “IGNITE” that will be run in our brand new facility! Learn more about the IGNITE program here: crossfitcypher.com/ignite
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at info@crossfitcypher.com. We look forward to celebrating with all of you soon!
Mauricio & Leslie
Owners – Cypher Health & Fitness