Barbells for Boobs – October 27

Nova_B4BCypher Health & Fitness will be hosting Barbells for Boobs Sunday, October 27! Join us for a fun-filled morning of amazing “Grace,” while supporting an awesome cause.

This is a great opportunity for family and friends of Cypher members to come by and check out the gym! We are asking all those who attend make a minimum donation of $5 at the door. Come and join us for the classic CrossFit workout “Grace,” or just come and cheer on others. All are welcome.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

9:00am – Athletes sign in; Warm-up and Welcome

10:00am – 1st “Grace” heat (30 Clean & Jerks for time); heats approximately every 15 minutes

11:30am – Potluck Barbeque

Can’t make the 27th? You can still donate through Cypher Health & Fitness’s fundraising page here:

Be sure to tell us you’re coming on our facebook event page!

Looking forward to another wonderful event. – L

Our Impact from Barbells for Boobs on Vimeo.


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