Culture, Community, Cypher, reads the preamble to the cypher manifesto, and aptly so. Everything we do at Cypher Health & Fitness we do with the intention of improving people’s lives. Progres takes many forms and the form that I happen to be most passionate about is nutrition.
So, today’s post is a little different. I’ve decided to take a break from my usual witty nutrition-related catharsis, and instead focus on a project that is near and dear to me–the 28 Day Challenge. If you are a member you have likely heard me reminding everyone to sign up and if you follow us on Facebook or Instagram you have hopefully seen information about the challenge. And if we have somehow missed you, here is a little background on the challenge.
The 28-Day Challenge is a nutrition program that starts after Thanksgiving and ends just before Christmas. The goal of the challenge is to become a better, healthier you. Anyone who signs up will enjoy specific nutrition plans, goal setting workshops accountability partners and nutrition coaches like me!
The program is open to both members and non-members. So, feel free to ask friends, family, and even coworkers to join you.We will kick off the program with a nutrition seminar and one-on-one interviews designed to get to know you and your challenges with nutrition.
If you have any questions about the challenge, the seminar or next steps feel free to stop me at the gym or email me at
In short, I hope to see all of you at our 28 Day Challenge Kickoff Saturday, November 18 at 10:30 AM. This is an opportunity to do something worthwhile that showcases the indomitable human spirit and our capacity for self-improvement. If you don’t sign up for yourself sign up for the people you care about. Afterall, that’s what this health and wellness lifestyle is all about, buying us a little extra time to be there for the ones we love.
To Your Continued Success,
Don Gilbert