4 Types of Nutrition Investors, Which One are YOU?

Every person on this planet is different. Each of us has different needs, wants, opinions, likes, and dislikes. You love to do CrossFit, but the person next to you may prefer Bootcamp-or even yoga. For some of us when it comes to exercise, we need a higher level of accountability with a personal trainer to help us stay on track. This individuality is also true when it comes to our nutrition behaviors. You may prefer to cook the majority of your food, while another person hates cooking! Does that mean one way is better than the other? Not at all, every person is allowed to embrace their own individuality.

Now let’s apply this level of thinking to various scenarios when it comes to nutrition. Some people naturally have more motivation or are more inclined to say on track, while others tend to struggle. Check out these 4 types of people, and see which one you are: 


  1. Perpetuator: You need a good kick in the tail every now and then
  2. Backslider:  You fall off track easily and it’s hard for you to get back on
  3. Resigner:  You make one mistake and quit
  4. Maintainer: Need some guidance and then you are good to go


The good news is that regardless of what type of person you are, we have an accountability model and nutrition plan for you, with a nutrition coach there to help create an individualized plan designed to meet you where you are at. Something as fundamental as nutrition doesn’t have to be difficult, which is why we try to make things easy for you- no matter what type of person you are. If you are ready to start making a change, book a Free Intro Session below and let us know what type of nutrition investor you are!


To Your Continued Success,

Coach Don


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